Obama Fast-Tracks Vermont Wind Facility Despite Environmental Risks
Mary Clemmensen
October 14, 2011
The Obama Administration listed the Deerfield Wind facility among 14 infrastructure projects to be fast-tracked through required environmental review and permitting processes. This announcement marks the Administration's latest step to improve federal permit efficiency and shorten permitting wait times. The President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness has encouraged the President to take such steps to jump-start job creation.
The proposed facility, owned by Iberdrola Renewables, would include 15 two-megawatt turbines located in Searsburg and Readsboro in the Green Mountain National Forest. If the USDA Forest Service approves the wind facility, it would be the first of its kind located in a national forest. Project approval from Green Mountain Forest Supervisor Colleen Madrid may set precedence for similar projects seeking permits in the future.
The White House's press release stated that the Forest Service should have a Final Environmental Impact Statement complete before December 2011. The National Environmental Protection Act requires the statement to consider any unavoidable impacts to the environment, reasonable alternatives to the proposed action, and any irreversible resource commitments that the project requires. The Final Environmental Statement will also review the wind facilities impact on the habitat of wildlife in the surrounding national forest and any increase in noise or soil erosion.
Opponents of the wind facility argue that the proposed project is not cost efficient and will have negative environmental impacts. The Wilderness Society submitted comments to the Draft Environmental Statement expressing concern that the project would negatively affect the critical habitat of the black bear and bat. Wilderness conservation organizations are not alone in opposing the project. Some citizens and organizations whom traditionally support green energy initiatives, such as Vermonters for a Clean Environment, also criticize the project for its potential to reduce the natural habitat of the black bear in Southern Vermont.
Supporters of the project note that the facility will produce clean energy that will reduce reliance on fossil fuels and the need to produce green house gases. Central Vermont Public Service has already agreed to purchase two-thirds of the power the facility will generate, thus keeping the majority of the energy consumption local. The project will also provide economic benefits to the local and regional economies through job creation and taxes levied on the facility owner. It is estimated that the facility will create up to 300 temporary jobs during construction and six permanent jobs.
Although it is uncertain if the Forest Service will ultimately approve the Deerfield Wind facility, it is clear that the priority treatment it is receiving from the Obama Administration will weigh heavily on the minds of decision makers when they consider the project for final permit approval later this year.
Source List:
Deerfield Wind Project DEIS Comments, Wilderness Society, (Dec. 1, 2008), http://wilderness.org/content/deerfield-wind-project-deis-comments.
Docket 7250 Information Page Deerfield Wind Project in Searsburg and Readsboro, vermont.gov, http://www.state.vt.us/psb/document/7250Deerfield/deerfield-main.htm (last visited Oct. 14, 2011).
Obama Administration Announces Selection of 14 Infrastructure Projects to be Expedited Through Permitting and Environmental Review Process, whitehouse.gov (Oct. 11, 2011), http://m.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/10/11/obama-administration-announces-selection-14-infrastructure-projects-be-e.
Susan Smalleer, Deerfield wind project on Obama's fast track, Rutland Herald, Oct. 13, 2011, http://www.rutlandherald.com/article/20111013/NEWS02/710139890/1003/NEWS02.
White House Picks Searsburg Wind Facility as Priority, iberkshires.com, 2:24PM Oct. 11, 2011, http://www.iberkshires.com/story/39610/White-House-Picks-Searsburg-Wind-Facility-As-Priority.html.